Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A prayer.

Holy El, Mite y El, uncreated, without beginning, without end, perfect in every way, all knowing, all powerful. Revealer of secrets, full of truth, in whom there is no lie, ruler of everything, your vastness extends beyond the universe, in which there is no hiding place from your presence. I ask you through your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel to forgive all of my sins and to show me how to be a better servant for you. Jehovah El, I ask you to show me how to live a holy life, a more excellent life. Remove all of the stumbling blocks in my way. Show me the way that you would have me to go. Help me to live my life as a testimony for you. Emmanuel I ask you for healing for me and my family and to keep us in good health. Thank you Holy El for everything you have done for me. I lift your name on high, your name is above all other name. I praise your holy name Jehovah Adoni Elohim. Most exellant and holy El. El, El, El, Jah El! Amen.

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