Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today's Idolatry

I know that I am going to sound like a prude for saying this but when I think of idolatry today the first thing that jumps out at me is TV.
Not because of content although that is bad enough but for the amount of devotion that it requires. People devote whole rooms in there houses specifically for watching TV.
People can be dirt poor and still have 2 or more TVs.
People spent thousands on 50" plasmas, blue ray players, 7 channel surround sound systems, satellite receivers, special seating to watch it, etc, etc... How much has any of us spent on a room devoted to God? How much time has been stolen from us by it?
How many prayers haven't been prayed because we just channel surf not even interested in anything that is on? How many people haven't been witnessed to because we were watching 'House'? How many widows were not visited because of 'Friends'.

I think that if you want to go looking for Idols, you wouldn't have to go any further then your living room.

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