Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An answer to a question

Most of this will be caused by knee jerk reactions to very serious problems. Some of these will be after the rapture.

There will be a major disaster (much worse then 9/11) in the NY city area. Also there will be a huge blackout encompassing most of the northeast for more then a month. This will kill the US economy and severely damage the worlds economy.

There is a bill in congress that will make speaking out against homosexuality against the law. This is just the beginning of the limits to free speech. This in concert with all of the news media being controlled, will basically kill all but PC speech. They will not report on anything that does not line up with an agenda (I cannot see who's or what the agenda is, I can only guess that this is coming from the White House, but it could be from some big business). If no one can hear you what good is it to talk.

GE IBM and some others will bully out other advertisers from Fox News. Leaving only them for revenue, so Fox will have to play ball or die. (I don't know which they will pick).

There will be an attack on the Christian Church by the gay community that will be organized and deliberate, that will cause men of God to be Jailed for the Gospel. This is part of causes the limit of freedom of religion. The Church will be blamed for holding up economic relief. (I cannot see how this happens, I have a theory but I want to stick with what I have seen.) When there is an interview on one of those talking head news shows, where someone is blaming all of the worlds problems on the Christians, that is when this persecution will begin..

Also their will be a push from Hollywood for an all inclusive, almost atheist religion. There will also be an attack from Hollywood on Christianity. (much more forceful then in the past).

Because of luting and protests freedom of assembly will be baned. (probably marshal law)

The right to bare arms. This one will be like death from a thousand cuts, little things. Price of ammo, available, and regulation will all ad up to the limiting of this right.

I'm sorry I don't have a time line for you. I can't see if you will win the lotto, or if your brother will visit next Tue.

What is much more important is how to react to these things as they happen.

As for the disaster and blackout Have a go bag or survival bag and some cash on hand. Cash not an atm or check. Do not leave where you are unless you are in danger or are told by the Spirit to go. But if you are told to go DO NOT HESITATE, GO IMMEDIATELY! Have a months supply of food on hand. To those who are to stay where you are, take in those who must go, even if it means your house is overflowing. It wouldn't hurt to get a book on foraging for food and farming.

As for the attack on the Church. We must respond to these attacks will love. We must not rail against those who would attack us. We must say "this is right and that is wrong" and "the Bible says _______ thus says the Lord". But we must do it in love not anger. Our words will burn in their ears if done in love, but if it is done in anger it will be just like yelling at a wall. I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to respond with love and prayer. Also it would be prudent to revise Church bylaws to include this > to be a member of the Church you will have had to attend 4 services a month for 6 months and have taken the course Christianity 101 (this is a basic overview of Christian beliefs). To be married in the Church you will have had to be a member of the Church for 6 months and take 7 weeks of marriage counseling. Pastors should follow these as well. If you are approached by a couple to get married that you would not marry for whatever reason, give them a copy of the regulations for marriage that your Church has put together.

Fear not for what is about to come, it will be scary, but God will take care of his Church. Pray for America, God still answers prayer.
I am praying for you that God will give you peace and wisdom.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A prayer.

Holy El, Mite y El, uncreated, without beginning, without end, perfect in every way, all knowing, all powerful. Revealer of secrets, full of truth, in whom there is no lie, ruler of everything, your vastness extends beyond the universe, in which there is no hiding place from your presence. I ask you through your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel to forgive all of my sins and to show me how to be a better servant for you. Jehovah El, I ask you to show me how to live a holy life, a more excellent life. Remove all of the stumbling blocks in my way. Show me the way that you would have me to go. Help me to live my life as a testimony for you. Emmanuel I ask you for healing for me and my family and to keep us in good health. Thank you Holy El for everything you have done for me. I lift your name on high, your name is above all other name. I praise your holy name Jehovah Adoni Elohim. Most exellant and holy El. El, El, El, Jah El! Amen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Watch out for what is coming!

The economy is going to collapse.
Freedom of speech will be limited to the point of nonexistence.
Freedom of religion will be taken away for all but the most benign religion (any religion without Christ).
Freedom of the press will be destroyed by advertising.
The right to bare arms will be limited out of existence.
The right of assembly will be limited.

If you want to know how these things will come to pass just ask me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My visions

Up until now I have been somewhat reserved in what I have been saying that I have been seeing the last few months. Well I can wait no longer. I no longer care if people think I'm nuts, I must warn his chosen people. I have seen in a vision an eastern city shaking like an earthquake (probably NY city) then I seen a great map of the U.S. spread out before me and starting from the east around the DC area following the roads the map was decaying and dissolving. Then looking at the eastern seaboard from space, the lights of the city's going on and off and finally off . Then I saw pure white lights start to appear all over the map one at a time (this is the remnant of God's true church). I also seen in a vision an interview on a talking head news shows, were someone is blaming all of the worlds problems on the Christians. When that interview is broadcast no news source will be free (or accurate) to include Fox. I have also seen where Fox would start to lose ads (that one is already happening).
I will have to be a little more vague in this next ones because of the divisive nature of it. There will be an attack on the Church like we have never seen before. It will start in force when the interview that I mentioned before is broadcast. We must respond to these attacks with love not anger this will be the hardest part because of the vile nature of the attack. Lastly an this is the hardest one of all to reveal. I have been seeing the mark of the beast on some people in the news and some politicians, wide awake and very clear. I am not going to say who, for the safety of my family, but stop watching MSNBC. Now to be very clear I don't know what that means (weather they are given over to a reprobate mind or they are working for the anti-Christ or something else.) If you are not a Christian than you had better repent and ask Jesus to forgive you and ask him to come into your life. If you are a Christian then ask Jesus to stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life and in your Church. There is not much time left we are entering the period of the beginning of sorrows or the falling away. Praise to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings the great I AM. Get ready church! Get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready!----------------

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Lord is pouring out his Spirit.

I have noted that more and more people are having dreams and visions. In fact a few people I know are.
The latest thing that the Lord has revealed to me is, (as the Lord removes his hand of protection from the U.S. demonic forces that have not been allowed to operate here will come in like a flood). A spirit of anger and rebellion is entering this country. (look for violence and protests to pick up).
Pray for the protection of your community. The Return of the Lord Christ Jesus is imminent! Pray for your family and loved ones to repent and ask Jesus into there lives. We don't have time for foolish pursuits, we must spend time in prayer and reading the Bible. The time is coming when you will have to pray just to make it through the day, (lest the Lord comes). The Priest of each household (the spiritual leader of the house) should anoint the doorpost of their house in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit, in addition you should sleep with the Bible as close to you as possable, (this will help protect you from spiritual attacks). As you draw closer to God you will become a bigger threat to the evil one.
I leave you with this;
Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Ps. Please do not send me any money, and please do not follow my every breath, (I am not perfect, but I am doing my best to warn his Church), but ask the Lord to give you what you need for the coming days.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We must hold up our pastors!

Church we need to hold up our spiritual leaders for the days ahead. Our Pastors, teachers, councilors, youth leaders, etc... need to be held up and strengthened in Prayer. (But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.) The persecution to come will attack our leaders first. We must pray for a fresh anointing for our leaders, for power, wisdom, and discernment. (Matt 24; 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.) We must respond to these attacks will love. We must not rail against those who would attack us. We must say "this is right and that is wrong" and "the Bible says _______ thus says the Lord". But we must do it in love not anger. Our words will burn in their ears if done in love, but if it is done in anger it will be just like yelling at a wall. I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to respond with love and prayer. Matt 5; 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

God bless you all!

Monday, May 11, 2009

We must prepare for his coming.

Church we must get serious, pray, and seek His Face.
There will be many serious challenges in the days ahead. There will be an attack on the Church the likes of which this generation has never seen before.
The Church will have to stand and face the tide of many tribulations.
There will be men and women jailed and fined for preaching the true word of God. ("Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of my Name.)
We must put aside foolish pursuits, IE new toys, better this, bigger that, retirement.(Luke 9; 25 "For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?) We will have to focus on prayer. When a man of God falls, another will have to take his place. I know that this will not make sense to many, but blessed will be him (her) that heeds these words, and prepares for the coming days.
Church, most of us have been fed and fed and fed..... Now it is time for us (for those to whom it has been given), to preach, teach, witness, led, sing, praise, cook, help the helpless, house the homeless, heal the sick, for Emmanuel, Christ Jesus.
We have become a fat and lazy Church, saying, feed me feed me, bless me, bless me. We need to start working! We have been fed long enough. Get out their, work, get your hands dirty. The Church is going to need our support in the near future.
I leave you with this encouragement.
Psalms 62; 5-8
My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. 6 He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken. 7 On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. 8 Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out you heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pray for your country!

Grieve for what is about to come.
Judgment is coming for America!
We will face persecution in the very near future.
When you see an interview on a news channel where someone is blaming all of the worlds problems on the Christians.
That is when this persecution will begin.

This next one is for a disaster that is coming.
Have a bag ready to go with about a weeks worth of clothing and some cash on hand. Cash not an atm or check. Do not leave where you are unless you are in danger or are told by the Spirit to go. But if you are told to go DO NOT HESITATE, GO IMMEDIATELY! Have a months supply of food on hand. To those who are to stay where you are, take in those who must go, even if it means your house is overflowing.
Remain calm and do not panic.
Fear not for what is about to come, it will be scary, but God will take care of his Church. Pray for America, God still answers prayer.
I am praying for you that God will give you peace and wisdom.

Psalms 35 vs 10 All my bones will say, "Lord, who is like Thee, Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him , And the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?"

read Psalm 34

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The signs are all around us!

The lord has reviled to me, some things that are about to pass.
There will be a large catastrophe on the eastern seaboard.
Most likely an earthquake, in NY city (I see an eastern city shaking).
The swine flu will get worse, but what is worse than the swine flu is how the government will handle it.
They will use it as a way to control the press.
When you see a news interview blaming the Christians for all of the worlds problems, all news sources will be unreliable, to include Fox.

We must use what little time we have left to first reach those who have fallen away, then the lost.

Praise to the most high God!
and to his son
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!