Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An answer to a question

Most of this will be caused by knee jerk reactions to very serious problems. Some of these will be after the rapture.

There will be a major disaster (much worse then 9/11) in the NY city area. Also there will be a huge blackout encompassing most of the northeast for more then a month. This will kill the US economy and severely damage the worlds economy.

There is a bill in congress that will make speaking out against homosexuality against the law. This is just the beginning of the limits to free speech. This in concert with all of the news media being controlled, will basically kill all but PC speech. They will not report on anything that does not line up with an agenda (I cannot see who's or what the agenda is, I can only guess that this is coming from the White House, but it could be from some big business). If no one can hear you what good is it to talk.

GE IBM and some others will bully out other advertisers from Fox News. Leaving only them for revenue, so Fox will have to play ball or die. (I don't know which they will pick).

There will be an attack on the Christian Church by the gay community that will be organized and deliberate, that will cause men of God to be Jailed for the Gospel. This is part of causes the limit of freedom of religion. The Church will be blamed for holding up economic relief. (I cannot see how this happens, I have a theory but I want to stick with what I have seen.) When there is an interview on one of those talking head news shows, where someone is blaming all of the worlds problems on the Christians, that is when this persecution will begin..

Also their will be a push from Hollywood for an all inclusive, almost atheist religion. There will also be an attack from Hollywood on Christianity. (much more forceful then in the past).

Because of luting and protests freedom of assembly will be baned. (probably marshal law)

The right to bare arms. This one will be like death from a thousand cuts, little things. Price of ammo, available, and regulation will all ad up to the limiting of this right.

I'm sorry I don't have a time line for you. I can't see if you will win the lotto, or if your brother will visit next Tue.

What is much more important is how to react to these things as they happen.

As for the disaster and blackout Have a go bag or survival bag and some cash on hand. Cash not an atm or check. Do not leave where you are unless you are in danger or are told by the Spirit to go. But if you are told to go DO NOT HESITATE, GO IMMEDIATELY! Have a months supply of food on hand. To those who are to stay where you are, take in those who must go, even if it means your house is overflowing. It wouldn't hurt to get a book on foraging for food and farming.

As for the attack on the Church. We must respond to these attacks will love. We must not rail against those who would attack us. We must say "this is right and that is wrong" and "the Bible says _______ thus says the Lord". But we must do it in love not anger. Our words will burn in their ears if done in love, but if it is done in anger it will be just like yelling at a wall. I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to respond with love and prayer. Also it would be prudent to revise Church bylaws to include this > to be a member of the Church you will have had to attend 4 services a month for 6 months and have taken the course Christianity 101 (this is a basic overview of Christian beliefs). To be married in the Church you will have had to be a member of the Church for 6 months and take 7 weeks of marriage counseling. Pastors should follow these as well. If you are approached by a couple to get married that you would not marry for whatever reason, give them a copy of the regulations for marriage that your Church has put together.

Fear not for what is about to come, it will be scary, but God will take care of his Church. Pray for America, God still answers prayer.
I am praying for you that God will give you peace and wisdom.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A prayer.

Holy El, Mite y El, uncreated, without beginning, without end, perfect in every way, all knowing, all powerful. Revealer of secrets, full of truth, in whom there is no lie, ruler of everything, your vastness extends beyond the universe, in which there is no hiding place from your presence. I ask you through your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel to forgive all of my sins and to show me how to be a better servant for you. Jehovah El, I ask you to show me how to live a holy life, a more excellent life. Remove all of the stumbling blocks in my way. Show me the way that you would have me to go. Help me to live my life as a testimony for you. Emmanuel I ask you for healing for me and my family and to keep us in good health. Thank you Holy El for everything you have done for me. I lift your name on high, your name is above all other name. I praise your holy name Jehovah Adoni Elohim. Most exellant and holy El. El, El, El, Jah El! Amen.