The address part 1
(so it begins)
At the local star mart the store manager try to calm people down “Alright calm down everyone it won't do anyone any good to panic.” “Hey listen up! The President is on, maybe they figured out whats going on.” another cashier calls.
TV> part way threw the address “Do to the world wide catastrophe and to stop the luting, violence, and potential acts of terror, I have signed marshal law into effect. Your local municipality's will have the details on curfews and travel restrictions. Leaders from around the world are joining together to help during this time of crisis. The European Union has given emergency power to Rahma'el Sa'ge-el. In the span of just a few hours he has come up with a plan that will save the world from absolute collapse.
His plan combines a type of universal ID and a cashless world monetary system. On the surface it doesn't sound like a big deal. But a closer look and you will see that this will advance the planet light years from where it is now. For most people it will be as simple as getting your hand stamped at a carnival. A small biometric mark will be implanted either in your right hand or your forehead. The mark allows the system to work. Like a pass-code it will allow the user to access banking, ID, and health records which will be stored on a supercomputer made for the Las Alamos research center. Identity theft will no longer be an issue. The mark uses your DNA for encoding and cannot be duplicated. Sense no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have the mark this will virtually eliminate crime. This will kill the black market, and all illegal transactions. Fraud will all but be a thing of the past. This in turn will lower overall the cost of goods and services. EMT crews can simply scan your hand and have your complete medical record there in front of them.
To lower government spending we will be able to let some criminals out. By putting the mark on the foreheads of criminals so people will be able to identify them. If they cause trouble, law enforcement can just tag there file, and then they will have to turn themselves in or starve. This would be true of anyone wanted by the law.
For law abiding citizens there are many benefits to having the mark. The supercomputer that the system uses, uses predictive software that can calculate earnings potential, job advancements, and for those that need help figuring out what they want to do job placement. This will give the user instant access to a line of credit as well as your savings checking and investments. For those who can't work or are going through a rough patch, you will be able to access social services more easily.
Now as for the visitors I think I will let them speak for themselves A representative of their people is here with us today. The call themselves as best we can translate air walkers or sky kings. So for the first time I would like to introduce you to Sadu'az'azel I hope I pronounced that right.”> Gasps in the audience and a woman screams off camera.......