Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Caught up! ch2 pt2

Preparation part 2

(the plot?)

Ha Ha Ha ha ha I can't believe how gullible these humans are.” “Sewing the of seeds of deceit has been so easy.” “Just look at what trouble we spawn with these “spacecraft”. It has caused people to believe in aliens casting doubt on His Word.” “Their are people that believe that they came from the stars.” “Just look at movies and tv shows that came about because of these “UFOs”.” “The humanest themes and even religions have come about because of it.” Now the ultimate deception, as soon as he takes away his followers, and he who restrains us is taken out of the way, we will flood the skies with craft of all shapes and sizes. Even when his messengers come they will not believe or repent for they will believe the “aliens” have caused everything. Ha ha ha ah a ha ha!

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