chapter 3
She wanted to trust him. He was hansom, not like movie star or anything,... but still. She was flooded with emotions, they had just come from a Pentecostal service. Lately she had felt a draw to get as close to the Lord as possible. She was almost desperate to win people to the Lord. It seemed like there was just two types of people now. People that have been seeking after the Lord, that just needed a push in the right direction, and people that will not listen to anything you have to say. In seemed to her that even when the evidence was right in front of them there eyes just glazed over and refused to see.
Where was he taking me? He said it was a surprise but now she thought he was up to something. “Were almost there.” Joel said as they turned onto an old dirt drive off of an old dirt road. They drove up a slight hill for about an eighth mile. “Were here. Did you bring your sneakers?” “I've got them on Joel. Were are we going?” she asked suspiciously. “Come on, your going to love this.” She was a little nervous, but he seamed innocent enough. We walked up the side of this hill that looked like it was a cow pasture at one time. “Watch your step.” Yup cow pasture. There was a big old pine tree about two thirds of they way up. Wile there wasn't a full moon tonight it was very clear and you could see quiet well. Then she could see why he brought her there. There was a small telescope and a couple of chairs set up, just ahead. She felt a wave of relief as all of the other possible outcomes fled away.
For the first time sense they pulled in, she looked up at the stars. Wow, she thought, it was amazing, so many stars. You could see so much more then in town. She sat there in wonderment for a little longer, then she felt something else, cold it was like forty degrees outside. “Joel.” "Yes." Joel answers. "I'm cold" she says "Here" as he takes off his jacket and offers it to her. She felt an urgency to make sure he was saved. How do I lead in to this out here.... the stars. "Wow you can see so much more of God's creation out here." she comments. "Ya, if you look off to the southeast their you can see Jupiter just above Westford Hill." he explains. "Just think, God placed each and every one." she said. "Your not going to start preaching are you." “You believe, don't you?” she asked. Just then she felt something that she had never felt before in her entire life. She could feel a wonderful warmth all over her body. She could see and here things that she could never see before. She could feel love that could only come from a heavenly father. She could feel her body changing, it's happening now! She thought. The rapture. "Oh ya, I believe." he said. Oh Joel she thought. "Did you see that?" he said. "Do you believe in Jesus, Joel?" she asked quickly. "Wha... what?" She looked up again she could see what looked kind of like door opening in the eastern sky. She could feel all of the pain of being human slip away. She had never realized just how much pain there had been in her life. Now she could see Jesus standing arms outstretched, then she heard a sound like a trumpet. It was calling to her, but she was so excited that before it finished she jumped as hard as she could with what was left of her human body. She was a good three feet off of the ground before she could feel herself change. Oh she could feel such love.
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