Sunday, March 21, 2010

So it begins.

If you are not 100% dedicated to Jesus the Christ, son of the living God. You had better put every thing else aside and rededicate yourself to the Lord. Please I beg anyone who is reading this, check yourself, and ask your self am I doing all I can do? Am I all that I can be for the Lord. I'm so sorry for those who are not completely dedicated to the Lord, for you will not be among us who call ourself Christians. For if you do not dedicated yourself fully to the Lord, you will turn away from him soon.

Oh how my heart aches for those who will turn away. So many lost... so many lost... so many.... Oh the pain I feel for what is coming. Please repent! turn to the Lord! Ask Jesus for a fresh anointing! Oh Church do not falter, we will be attacked seemingly from all sides. Mens heart will fail for fear of what is coming. Put your trust in Jesus, he will sustain us. It will not happen all at once, but in degrees and the cumulative effect will be devastating leading up to a nightmare on earth.

Put aside all doubt, make right your heart, put your trust in the Father and his son Jesus.

Seek out one another (Christians). Hold up one another in prayer and physically. If a man of God falls, another must step in and take his place. Hold fast to the word of God, hold it close to your heart.

I do not know how long we will have to wait for his return, but do not lose heart he is still on the throne.

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