Thursday, December 2, 2010

The infrastructure for the mark system.

What do RFID, a devise called square, the health care records system, a company that is part of the cattle industry called SOMARK, and IBM have in common?... Now Ill let the tension build a little and ask another question. What would you need to make the mark of the beast work as a ID, a way to buy and sell (the only way to buy and sell), and a way to control the populous?

1. RFID= "the chip" as some people call it. While this is an important part of the system, this by itself is probably not going to be the mark. Why? As it stands right now it cannot be near a strong magnetic field like an MRI machine or a large electric motor. But it would be part of the buy, part of buy and sell. By having these embedded in products you can have a way to do inventory on the fly and scan them for purchase by walking through a scanner. But the big thing here is the software that allows this to work with the stores and banks.

2. Square= This devise allows you to make a person to person monetary transaction using a cell phone. It plugs into a phone and with it you could scan a credit card or debit card to make a privet sale without cash. The problem with a cashless society is how to you make privet transactions. While this is probably not the final version of what will be used, what is important here again is the software behind this product.

3. SOMARK= This company has created a non-invasive visible or invisible scannable tattoo for cattle that uses RFID like tech. Why is this important? The mark does not need to have all of your information, it only needs to have non copy-able non forge-able scannable mark that you can't lose that has your ID number like your SS#. All of your info can be stored online to be accessed only by your ID code or by law enforcement.

4. IBM= Makes systems that will allow all of this tech to integrate together.
5. Health care records system= John what does health care have to do with the mark? I'm glad you asked, believe it or not this is the biggest piece of the puzzle. The new records system that is being built for the health care system has the ability to house and organize the health records of every person in the US. Think about what is in your medical records, name, address, phone, married/ single status, kids, next of kin, family medical history, shot records, your medical history, billing info, insured status and on and on...

Now if you use the health care system to house your ID and add in your debit and credit cards to it, IBM can link everything together so you could use the somark tattoo as world wide ID and debit card and medic alert bracelet. With RFID on products you could walk into a store grab a bunch of stuff and walk out without ever talking to a cashier or opening your wallet, just pick up your receipt on the way out.

Illegal immigration would be a thing of the past, each ID could have a zone so if you are not where you are suppose to be, you can't buy anything there.

America's most wanted wouldn't be very interesting, for all you would have to do, would be to turn off the mark of someone that is wanted by the law, so they could no longer buy anything, and they would to turn them self in or starve.

Do you not understand the day that we are living in? You all know about the Anti-Christ in the Bible. Did you think that he would just magically just take over the world? The world is being prepared, right now, for the fake savior. The words economy is intentionally being destroyed, the worlds food supply is being intentionally destroyed. In Revelation chapter six verse six says “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. ” loosely translated a loaf of bread for a days pay.
Matthew Chapter twenty four says “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Have you watch the news lately?
“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." The worlds media has been slowly turning populations against Christianity. All it would take for all of the pieces to fall into place would be a large scale terrorist attack, like a nuke or dirty bomb in New York city. And guess what, a lot of people have had dreams and visions of some kind of disaster in New York, like David Wilkerson, and myself to name a couple.
The anti-Christ could use the mark to campaign on as a way to “save everyone”. Oh it will be great. All you have to do is get a mark on you hand or forehead and you will be safe. Crime will be virtually eliminated because all monetary transactions will have to go through the mark system.
Revelation 13 verse 16 and 17 says “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. ” Any criminal with the mark that is wanted will not be able to buy anything or travel until he turns himself in, as well as anyone that does not have the mark. He will say that he will fix the economies by pulling them all together into one shared system. He could say that he could boost the economy by eliminating income taxes. By having money use tax to pay for government services. All monetary transactions have to go through the mark system so a fairly small tax would be enough to pay for all of the governmental services.
This is what is coming! Very soon! So get right with God! Repent! Ask Jesus to forgive all of your sins. Ask Jesus to come into your life. Please there is not much time left. Hell is real. Don't lose your soul to an eternity hell. Just give your life to Christ, do it now before it is to late. John 3:16. “For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.” All you have to do is to believe on him.”

Friday, November 5, 2010

The beast

Hold on for this one.

Ok in the dream we were at my parents place outside preparing for a demonic attack. We knew that a enormous monstrous beast was coming and we had already anointed the house and we were in the middle of anointing the property (we knew that we didn't have time to anoint the whole property so were just doing the yard around the house) when three witches (demons) came as close as they could get for could not go past where we anointed and were speaking out against us, taunting us, and giving away our possession (I just knew that I couldn't tell from what they were doing). So me and my wife were rebuking them and binding them in the name of Jesus. It was almost as if they were trying to stay out of range wile we were praying, then my wife by swinging her head forward swung her hair like a weapon and water came out of her hair and shot towards the witches turning into (ice blades? idonno) something sharp and like a wide shotgun blast, it cut the demon witches to pieces.

Just then the this terrible beast was coming toward the house the size of this thing was beyond belief, it was so large that all you could see was its foot, a large scaly greenish and I could see three large claws on its foot. It was going to step on the house (and the yard for about 40 acres or more) we stood our ground and continued to pray against this thing (I received the impression that anyone that looked on this thing would pass out from fear unless they had there hearts prepared and had a special blessing from the Lord). It stepped down on the house (and everything else) but while it did do some damage it was nowheres near what you would have thought it would have been, there should have been nothing left anywhere this thing stepped.

I got the impression that it was going to be our job to tell people not to fear this thing and to put all of your trust in the Lord.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Work for what you want.

If you have been unemployed for more than 6 months it is probably because you don't want to settle for less money. I know I've done it myself, and it was wrong. Everybody that goes on unemployed does basically the same thing. If you get laid off from a company that you expect to get your job back after a bit you go out and find 6 or 8 employers that you know are not hiring and use those same names in different orders to fill out your unemployment forms so you can keep getting a check till you get your job back.

If it is a permanent lay off, most people will stay on unemployment till they find a on par or better job. This is why state and national governments are broke. The government should not be paying people to lay around on there couch when they could be flipping burgers, clearing brush piles, doing migrant farm work, working at Walmart or where ever. My dad told me "the best place to look for work was from a job". I don't really care it you can't afford that 50" plasma or bluray player or that 50k truck, or that HD sat system, wah wah wah get over it. The government should not have to supply luxury to people. If you have got food, heat, and a roof over your head that is enough. If you want more get off of your lazy backside and work for it, don't expect me to pay for it. There is always work for someone that is willing to do just that WORK. A job is a job I don't really care if you think it is beneath you. It seems like more and more people think the government owes them everything and it seems that more and more people expect to live like the rich and will borrow there way to the moon without any intent of paying it back.

This country would be fine if we live by very simple biblical principles, like LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS, and NEITHER A BORROWER OR LEANDER BE, and IF A MAN DOES NOT WORK HE SHOULD NOT EAT, even if it means selling off a bunch of stuff and living in a trailer park. If you earned what you had you will get it back with some hard work.

This country has become fat and lazy and unless people get up and work for what they want then the whole country will become a 3rd world country and the government will go broke then the poor will have to go to work (or beg) or starve.

This country needs to repent of it slothfulness. Help people find another job and keep them fed till they do but only if they are serious about working if not kick them to the curb.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Early Church history and the Sabbath

Because of my research into end times events I have been studying early church history. One of the things that I have found to be very interesting is the fact that the early Christian church continued to worship on the Sabbath for about 300 years after the Death and Resurrection our Lord and Savior. The reason that they stopped worshiping on the Sabbath was because of persecution first by the Pharisees driving out the Gentile Christians from temple worship and then by Rome making it a law to worship on Sunday and to work on the Sabbath. Many Christians continued to worship on the Sabbath in secret for many year after this.

The Lord did not change the law about the Sabbath it was just forgotten, which is ironic seeing that the commandment concerning the Sabbath starts with the word remember, as in "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy". Understand that God himself wrote the commandments with his own finger in stone to be kept forever.

So before you quote BBE: Colossians Chapter 2 [16] For this reason let no man be your judge in any question of food or drink or feast days or new moons or Sabbaths: Understand that this verse and the rest of the chapter is talking about the extra rules and regulations that the Pharisees had heaped on to the law. Such as the washing of cups and not carrying more than a hanky and the observance the yearly sabbaths small s, like the feast of trumpets and Yom Kippur and the like.

Now I am not saying that we should all become 7th day Adventist's but there is no Biblical reason not to observe the Sabbath. We need to follow what is in the Bible and not the traditions of man.

BBE: Isaiah Chapter 66 [22] For as the new heaven and the new earth which I will make will be for ever before me, says the Lord, so will your seed and your name be for ever. [23] And it will be, that from new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh will come to give worship before me, says the Lord.

If it is good enough for the new heaven and new earth then it ought to be good enough for us.

I know I've just stirred up a hornets nest and am probably in for a thumping (not really) but I have to be true to God's word.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why socialism will never work.

I realize that some of those on the left think that socialism is a fair way to equalize resources and help the poor. The truth is because of the sinful nature of man, socialism will never work and in fact would cause more hardship more poor more starvation more sick etc.

The only way that socialism could work is if there were no corruption, no cheating the system, everyone that can work would have to work, and those that could do higher skill set jobs would have to do them for less money.

You see ultimately socialism has to have salary caps like say 100k. That is fine if all you make is 40k but who are you going to get to do the 200k 400k 500k 1m jobs? You could say "well they should do it for the greater good". Really? What would you tell your boss if he told you that you were going to do twice as much work for half as much money? I know what I would say. "BY BY now, good luck with that."

So now the government has to decide who works where to fill the jobs no one wants to do. Because people are naturally opposed to stiff regulations would protest against this. To maintain control they would have to limit protests by limiting freedom of assembly.

Another reason that socialism will never work is the "Government makes for poor farmers". What do I mean by that? In Russia because they feel that it is not fair for anyone to profit the farmers would get a set amount of money no matter how big the crop was or wasn't. They did however allow farmers to have a plot just for there family. It's funny but those little plots for them always looked great but everything else was just barely looked after.

Every time socialism has been tried it has bought hardship, less freedom, more poverty, and more starvation. People have been holding up China as some kind of success story but the truth is China is a terrible place to live. If you look closely things started to up tick when?....... When China started to allow people to own things or an influx of CAPITALISM ! The same goes for Russia.

Our country the United States of America helps more poor then any other country in the world. In fact this country helps more (through the accesses of capitalism) then most of the world together. Anybody that wants help and is willing to work can get it. Anyone that cannot work can get help if they want it. To be quite honest if you do not want to work, lest you repent I don't want you here. If that sounds harsh tough.

In socialism there is no luxury items which means no one is building luxury items and all of those jobs go by by. In socialism there is no fast cars, big 4x4s, no hot rods, no blue ray players, no 50" Plasma's, no multi million dollar movies, no bass boats, no superstar actors, no rock stars, etc etc...

There are example after example in history about about the abuses caused by socialism, most glaringly is the baning of freedom of religion or just the baning or persecution of Christians. Just look at what is happening now in western Europe and England and there only mildly socialist and Christian freedoms are being striped away one by one.

Because of the nature of liberalism they cannot see that it will never work. You see liberals have no past, they do not look to the past for guidance for the future. They think that they can reason out every problem without looking at or building on past mistakes, which is there fundamental flaw. You know trying something over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

You can draw more flies with honey then you can with .... Instead of forcing people to work of 6 to 8 months before they are making any money for themselves, the government should be enticing people to give to charities but instead the government wants to eliminate tax exemption for charitable donations. (Idiots)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today's Idolatry

I know that I am going to sound like a prude for saying this but when I think of idolatry today the first thing that jumps out at me is TV.
Not because of content although that is bad enough but for the amount of devotion that it requires. People devote whole rooms in there houses specifically for watching TV.
People can be dirt poor and still have 2 or more TVs.
People spent thousands on 50" plasmas, blue ray players, 7 channel surround sound systems, satellite receivers, special seating to watch it, etc, etc... How much has any of us spent on a room devoted to God? How much time has been stolen from us by it?
How many prayers haven't been prayed because we just channel surf not even interested in anything that is on? How many people haven't been witnessed to because we were watching 'House'? How many widows were not visited because of 'Friends'.

I think that if you want to go looking for Idols, you wouldn't have to go any further then your living room.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The selling of Christianity.

I enjoy Christian broadcasting very much, it is a welcome retreat from all of the garbage on tv. But lately it seems the hucksters have taken over trying to sell books, videos, CD's, DVDs, Holy water, anointing oil, prayer cloths, and anything you can think of. The really sad thing is that true men and women of God get lumped in together with the hucksters by the world. I realize that there are legitimate reasons to fund raise and that there are worthy recipients of these funds but there is so many false ones out there that people are disillusioned about Christian TV in general. I give to CBN because they have a very high charity rating (more of the money that is given goes to the people on the ground other than administrative costs). Anybody that watches Christian TV regularly probably can tell the difference between the Hucksters and true men of God but that line is becoming more and more hard to see.

Being a Glorystar Satellite owner I have seen a large variety of Christian broadcasts. Oddly enough the least amount of huchsterism seems to come from the 7 day Adventist's. While there doctrine is filled with inaccuracies I don't seem to recall them begging for money, my guess is that this is the same for the Mormons if they even broadcast someplace.

So my test to chose who to watch is >do they beg for money just to keep the show alive or do they raise money for other things besides there ministry IE kids in Africa or Haiti relief or Operation Blessing or inner-city shelters etc... etc... In other words if there is a charity attached to a ministry (you will know them by there fruits) I consider there ministry to be genuine (until proven otherwise) and do not mind so much if they come on trying to raise money for there cause. On the other hand if someone comes on talking about giving the 100 fold and the only thing that it seems you would be supporting is keeping some preacher in fancy suites then I say to myself "I think not" and hit the clicker.

So I guess the morel of the story would be "If you think to yourself that it sounds like a good idea to give the 100 fold, go ahead, just give it to the poor or widows or the broken hearted and not to the guy in the $3000.00 suit."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Obama worshipers, go sit at the kids table.

The Liberal medias impression that the people in the tea party are a bunch right wing redneck thugs, is absolutely and patently false. The truth is that they come from all walks of life, and the very fact that the lame stream media tries to paint them as some kind of racist thugs should tell you that they have an agenda of there own and nothing is going to stop them from having there liberal ideals rammed down the throat of the American people.

Anyone that thinks that all of the problem that we are going through are all because of Bush, and that Obama can do no wrong, is a brain washed robot going [BLAME BUSH] [BLAME BUSH] [BLAME BUSH]...... (Why don't you get up off of your knees and wipe the Obama off of your nose). I'm sorry your not smart enough to sit with the adults, go sit at the kids table. The same goes for any one that thought Bush was our savior and thought Clinton was the anti-Christ needs to go sit at the kids table.

The tea party is in fact a very good thing for this country. Even if they never get a candidate into office, they have brought up issues important to the American people. Because of the numbers of tea party people, politicians will have to think twice about voting this way or that, and the overall effect will be representative of the over all populous, instead of whatever special interest group is shelling out to them.

I for one am getting tired of 2% of the population pushing around the rest of us. The gays and lesbians are less than 2% of the population but there lobby is one of the most powerful in DC. We here in Maine have had to go to the peoples vote 3 times to strike down the Homosexual legislation, because legislatures have gone against the will of the people. Maybe the Politicians will think twice about voting a certain way if they think they might lose there cushy jobs.

Any one that thinks that Fox news is a ultra right leaning news organization is siting so far to the left that the center looks like the right. Anyone who thinks MSNBC is centrist and fair and balanced is delusional.

Dear Lord I pray on this day that has been set aside for prayer, that our leaders would come to know you. Lord I pray that your will be done in this country. Lord I pray that all of the evil deeds of the enemy be exposed. Lord lead this country to repentance. Lord pour out your spirit upon this country one more time. Give us a fresh touch of your anointing. Dear Elohim pour out the Holy Spirit upon the land, that we as a people may come to know you more. My holy El keep the President from harm and expose those that would do him harm. Lord send down your Love on him, and change his heart. Show him that you are Lord and master over all things. I pray all of these things in the lovely name of Yahushua the Christ our Elohim.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I would not get to hung up on RFID because in its current state it cannot survive a strong magnetic field, like a large speaker, and definitely would not survive being any where close to a MRI machine. (would the man of sin suddenly tell 100% of the populous that they could no longer get an MRI.) Besides it is not necessary for a cashless system and positive (real) ID. The new heath care bill in concert with a super computer being built for the government for health care and the stimulus money for an online health record system would be all that you would need for the infrastructure for the Mark system to work.

Think about the information contained in your medical records. All you would really need to make the system work is a 10 digit code to access the info online for whatever reason. Weather it be for a purchase or ID or medical related that one system could be used . Think about info that has been gathered this year and last. They have done a GPS census on every home in the US and are doing a regular census right now. If you ad that info to the medical records and banking info how easy would in be to construct the mark system.

(On a side note, I had vision last March or April that a health care bill would pass and that it would be used later by the anti-Christ as part of the infrastructure for the mark system. On another side note, I was sitting at my computer last year when I felt the presence of evil. I got up from the computer and looked outside and there was a woman walking up the driveway. The Lord told me that she was doing a GPS survey of the house. I went to the door and opened it before she got there and told her what she was doing there. She was taken aback and just handed me a form and finished what she was doing and hurried away. The Lord told me that that the information would be used for evil purposes in the future.)

I suggest that the false Christ will campaign on the mark system as a way to save every one.
A universal monetary as a way to deal with defaulting massive debt. A new money use tax to replace all of the other taxes to eliminate tax fraud and a way to raise money for services and stimulate the economy. How small a tax would you need if every single purchase where taxed? How much fat could be eliminated from the government if there were no IRS. How much revenue would be gained by the elimination of fraud.

Crime would all but be eliminated. With all purchases recorded, how would you, buy drugs, sell stolen merchandise, or evade the law? If you were wanted by the law for questioning they could just turn off your account, and you would have to turn yourself in or starve. How would terrorists operate? There would not be any such thing as a fake ID and you would not be able to travel without the mark.

The pseudo-Christ will chide and mock those that would be against the mark. Christians will be blamed for holding up economic relief.

I don't know what kind of tech they will use for the mark. But don't get so hung up on one system that you don't see the other sneaking around the corner.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just as John prepared the way for the Lord, the way for the false saviour is being prepared right now.
The destruction of the worlds economies is to set the stage for a universal monetary system, as well as increase poverty, so people will long for a saviour.
The world's food supplies are also being destroyed. This also is to set the stage for the evil one.
All of the pieces are coming together seemingly unrelated events are unfolding in preparation for the Man of sin.
A kind of system, like a machine is being built to allow the mark of the beast to work. There are many pieces of this machine one of which is the health care system of all things. There is a database being built for the health care system that would allow for all of the Medical records to be stored online. This would have all of your medical records and billing info as well a ID info and address. The Anti-Christ will use this as his template for the mark. All a person would have to have on them would be a 10 digit code that was unique to them and they could use that to access all of the information for whatever reason. For example > you get pulled over for speeding the cop scans your hand and now he know whether or not you are wanted and knows exactly who you are. He makes out the ticket and the money is deducted out of your account or credited to a credit account or put on a payment instalment depending on your situation. You go into a store fill your cart with groceries and scan your hand on the way out having never talked to a clerk.

The anti-Christ will campaign on the mark as a way to "save" everyone. If you cannot travel without the mark cannot buy or sell without the mark and have to be positively identified to get the mark. How will criminals operate? How will the black market operate? How will drug pushers operate? How will terrorists operate? This is how he will gain power. He will even taunt those who will say that it is the mark. People will ridicule anyone who speaks out against him or the mark. Calling them trouble makers and warmongers. It won't be until the seals are broke and judgement comes to those who followed him that they will realize that he has caused there destruction, but then it will be to late.
Get ready! It's coming! Get as close to God as you can! We do not have much time left! The next few year will be hard for the Church. We will face persecution like we have never seen before in this country.
There is some thing that we can do to prepare. Having a bunker with 7 years worth of food is not the answer, but having a months supply could be handy. Having a way to gather and filter water, and a way to forage for food could be handy. But the one thing that God has shown me that will be more important any thing else is to pray, yes you read right praying will become more important then anything. Some will have to pray just to survive. I can't stress enough how important this will be. Also loving your enemies, (say what now!) yes that's right love. The church will be attacked on multiple fronts in the near future. The nature of some of these will make you repulse instinctively. We must responed to these attacks like this > we must say this is right and this is wrong, site scripture and verse thus says the Lord.
Thank you all for reading. May YHWY through his son Yashua richly bless you and yours.

Dreams and the prophetic. Want to know what God has been saying lately? |

Dreams and the prophetic. Want to know what God has been saying lately?

Monday, April 5, 2010

You think the economies bad now

"So your just starting out." "Yah I guess" "Got new job making a little more money?" "Yup." "Ah.... out on your own got a cheap car and a little apartment." "Yah I have been saving for a down payment a newerish car." "Well you'd better forget that you got buy insurance." "Why the heck would I need insurance I'm 25 and perfectly healthy." "It's the law you gotta buy it." "But my car is about to fall apart and I just got so I can pay everyone." "I guess you'll hav'ta buy a cheaper $2000 range car. Oh wait a minute they've all been crushed. I guess you'll hav'ta move back in with your parents."

The problem with knowing whats coming is knowing whats coming.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So it begins.

If you are not 100% dedicated to Jesus the Christ, son of the living God. You had better put every thing else aside and rededicate yourself to the Lord. Please I beg anyone who is reading this, check yourself, and ask your self am I doing all I can do? Am I all that I can be for the Lord. I'm so sorry for those who are not completely dedicated to the Lord, for you will not be among us who call ourself Christians. For if you do not dedicated yourself fully to the Lord, you will turn away from him soon.

Oh how my heart aches for those who will turn away. So many lost... so many lost... so many.... Oh the pain I feel for what is coming. Please repent! turn to the Lord! Ask Jesus for a fresh anointing! Oh Church do not falter, we will be attacked seemingly from all sides. Mens heart will fail for fear of what is coming. Put your trust in Jesus, he will sustain us. It will not happen all at once, but in degrees and the cumulative effect will be devastating leading up to a nightmare on earth.

Put aside all doubt, make right your heart, put your trust in the Father and his son Jesus.

Seek out one another (Christians). Hold up one another in prayer and physically. If a man of God falls, another must step in and take his place. Hold fast to the word of God, hold it close to your heart.

I do not know how long we will have to wait for his return, but do not lose heart he is still on the throne.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A call to help.

Ok so I'm planing a missions trip to Zambia and so I need to raise money for the trip. I am not going to beg you for money, rather I'm going to ask you for leads on speaking engagements. If you have a church and would have me, I would be more then happy to preach, teach, speak, roll over, (just kidding) or sing. I doctrine I follow is Pentecostal via Church of God.

About me; I have retired from the military after 20 years have been saved sense the 80's. Last year in march I started having visions about the future. Instead of speaking out in church (except for the one that I had at a bible study at church) I told my pastor about them and my pastor went to the overseers to prepare for what is coming (mostly about the coming attack of the Church by the homosexual community). Some of what I have seen is starting to come to pass, (one is that the swine flue would get worse but what was worse is the way the the Government will handle it ((that was in apr. of 09))) I am not going to get into all of what I have seen (I have most of it posted here starting in mar 09).

I will talk about whatever is needed for your area (the Lord leading). Holiness has been on my mind lately, in fact I wrote part of the sermon into part of the book I am working on.

I am based in Maine but would be willing to travel throughout New England. I do work, but I am available 2 weekends a month and 2 weekdays a month.
May YHWH richly bless you.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Caught up! chap4 DC

Two years ago

In the park in near the capital at what looks like a protest a man stands up to speak. “We will not remain silent. Weather they jail us, beat us, or kill us, we will not stop preaching the true Gospel of the Kingdom! Sin is still sin! Lying is still a sin, even a little white lie. Stealing is still a sin! and that includes theft of services, like cable, or pirated Cd's and dvd's or cheating on your taxes. Sex outside of marriage is still sin, and yes that includes oral sex. Sex was meant from the propagation of the species, between a man and a woman joined together in holy matrimony. Anything else is an abomination unto God! and yes I mean homosexuality. Most importantly, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind and with all thy soul. I am not saying that we should condemn those that sin. We need to pray for them and love them. Lust, envy, jealousy, murder, hate these are all still sin.
We cannot be afraid preach the word of God. We don't have time to mess around. The great and awesome day of the Lord is nye and at hand! You need to get right with the Lord! Get ready I say! Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent! We do not have time to fool around with sin! Whatever is keeping you from a closer walk with the Lord, cut it out of your life. Turn off the TV, and turn on your prayer life. You can't even watch kids programing without being inundated with sexual images, atheism, secular humanistic themes, evolution, and all believes should be respected. Huh! Except Christianity. You may even need to find a different job at less money, if it gets you closer to God.
Do you not understand the day that we are living in? You all know about the Anti-Christ in the Bible. Did you think that he would just magically just take over the world? The world is being prepared, right now, for the fake savior. The words economy is intentionally being destroyed, the worlds food supply is being intentionally destroyed. In Revelation chapter six verse six says “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. ” loosely translated a loaf of bread for a days pay.
Matthew Chapter twenty four says “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Have you watch the news lately? Matthew 24 verse 9 says “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. The worlds media has been slowly turning populations against Christianity. All it would take for all of the pieces to fall into place would be a large scale terrorist attack, like a nuke or dirty bomb in New York city. And guess what, a lot of people have had dreams and visions of some kind of disaster in New York, like David Wilkerson, and myself to name a couple. The anti-Christ could use the mark to campaign on as a way to “save everyone”. Oh it will be great. All you have to do is get a mark on you hand or forehead and you will be safe. Crime will be virtually eliminated because all monetary transactions will have to go through the mark system. Revelation 13 verse 16 and 17 says “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. ” Any criminal with the mark that is wanted will not be able to buy anything or travel until he turns himself in, as well as anyone that does not have the mark. He will say that he will fix the economies by pulling them all together into one shared system. He could say that he could boost the economy by eliminating income taxes. By having money use tax to pay for government services. All monetary transactions have to go through the mark system so a fairly small tax would be enough to pay for all of the governmental services.
This is what is coming! Very soon! So get right with God! Repent! Ask Jesus to forgive all of your sins. Ask Jesus to come into your life. Please there is not much time left. Hell is real. Don't lose your soul to an eternity hell. Just give your life to Christ, do it now before it is to late. John 3:16. “For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.” All you have to do is to believe on him.”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Agents of the false messiah at work now!

Just as John prepared the way for the true Christ, Yashua. The way for the fake messiah is being prepared right now. The words economy is being intentionally destroyed. The words food supply is being intentionally sabotaged. Countries are being manipulated and incited to war (which is coming soon). People are being manipulated against Christians and Christianity. People are being taught that religion (mostly Christianity) is the cause of all of the worlds problems.

There is a rise of a religion that is all inclusive that teaches that there is many paths to God (which they define as a higher plain of conscience). They also teach that anyone that believe in the deity of Jesus and that he is the only way to the father YHWH is a fool and should be ridiculed.

Well all I can say to that is 7 years after the fake saviour takes over (which is very soon) you will be dead and in hell, and your fake god will be there with you licking flames.

Repent! turn around! Jesus is the only way to God and eternal life. Ask him to forgive all of your sins, ask him to come in to your life, love him, worship him. Choose eternal life not everlasting punishment.

Monday, February 8, 2010

chapter 3 Becky

chapter 3

She wanted to trust him. He was hansom, not like movie star or anything,... but still. She was flooded with emotions, they had just come from a Pentecostal service. Lately she had felt a draw to get as close to the Lord as possible. She was almost desperate to win people to the Lord. It seemed like there was just two types of people now. People that have been seeking after the Lord, that just needed a push in the right direction, and people that will not listen to anything you have to say. In seemed to her that even when the evidence was right in front of them there eyes just glazed over and refused to see.
Where was he taking me? He said it was a surprise but now she thought he was up to something. “Were almost there.” Joel said as they turned onto an old dirt drive off of an old dirt road. They drove up a slight hill for about an eighth mile. “Were here. Did you bring your sneakers?” “I've got them on Joel. Were are we going?” she asked suspiciously. “Come on, your going to love this.” She was a little nervous, but he seamed innocent enough. We walked up the side of this hill that looked like it was a cow pasture at one time. “Watch your step.” Yup cow pasture. There was a big old pine tree about two thirds of they way up. Wile there wasn't a full moon tonight it was very clear and you could see quiet well. Then she could see why he brought her there. There was a small telescope and a couple of chairs set up, just ahead. She felt a wave of relief as all of the other possible outcomes fled away.
For the first time sense they pulled in, she looked up at the stars. Wow, she thought, it was amazing, so many stars. You could see so much more then in town. She sat there in wonderment for a little longer, then she felt something else, cold it was like forty degrees outside. “Joel.” "Yes." Joel answers. "I'm cold" she says "Here" as he takes off his jacket and offers it to her. She felt an urgency to make sure he was saved. How do I lead in to this out here.... the stars. "Wow you can see so much more of God's creation out here." she comments. "Ya, if you look off to the southeast their you can see Jupiter just above Westford Hill." he explains. "Just think, God placed each and every one." she said. "Your not going to start preaching are you." “You believe, don't you?” she asked. Just then she felt something that she had never felt before in her entire life. She could feel a wonderful warmth all over her body. She could see and here things that she could never see before. She could feel love that could only come from a heavenly father. She could feel her body changing, it's happening now! She thought. The rapture. "Oh ya, I believe." he said. Oh Joel she thought. "Did you see that?" he said. "Do you believe in Jesus, Joel?" she asked quickly. "Wha... what?" She looked up again she could see what looked kind of like door opening in the eastern sky. She could feel all of the pain of being human slip away. She had never realized just how much pain there had been in her life. Now she could see Jesus standing arms outstretched, then she heard a sound like a trumpet. It was calling to her, but she was so excited that before it finished she jumped as hard as she could with what was left of her human body. She was a good three feet off of the ground before she could feel herself change. Oh she could feel such love.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Caught up! ch2 the address pt1

The address part 1

(so it begins)

At the local star mart the store manager try to calm people down “Alright calm down everyone it won't do anyone any good to panic.” “Hey listen up! The President is on, maybe they figured out whats going on.” another cashier calls.

TV> part way threw the address “Do to the world wide catastrophe and to stop the luting, violence, and potential acts of terror, I have signed marshal law into effect. Your local municipality's will have the details on curfews and travel restrictions. Leaders from around the world are joining together to help during this time of crisis. The European Union has given emergency power to Rahma'el Sa'ge-el. In the span of just a few hours he has come up with a plan that will save the world from absolute collapse.

His plan combines a type of universal ID and a cashless world monetary system. On the surface it doesn't sound like a big deal. But a closer look and you will see that this will advance the planet light years from where it is now. For most people it will be as simple as getting your hand stamped at a carnival. A small biometric mark will be implanted either in your right hand or your forehead. The mark allows the system to work. Like a pass-code it will allow the user to access banking, ID, and health records which will be stored on a supercomputer made for the Las Alamos research center. Identity theft will no longer be an issue. The mark uses your DNA for encoding and cannot be duplicated. Sense no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have the mark this will virtually eliminate crime. This will kill the black market, and all illegal transactions. Fraud will all but be a thing of the past. This in turn will lower overall the cost of goods and services. EMT crews can simply scan your hand and have your complete medical record there in front of them.

To lower government spending we will be able to let some criminals out. By putting the mark on the foreheads of criminals so people will be able to identify them. If they cause trouble, law enforcement can just tag there file, and then they will have to turn themselves in or starve. This would be true of anyone wanted by the law.

For law abiding citizens there are many benefits to having the mark. The supercomputer that the system uses, uses predictive software that can calculate earnings potential, job advancements, and for those that need help figuring out what they want to do job placement. This will give the user instant access to a line of credit as well as your savings checking and investments. For those who can't work or are going through a rough patch, you will be able to access social services more easily.

Now as for the visitors I think I will let them speak for themselves A representative of their people is here with us today. The call themselves as best we can translate air walkers or sky kings. So for the first time I would like to introduce you to Sadu'az'azel I hope I pronounced that right.”> Gasps in the audience and a woman screams off camera.......

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Caught up! ch2 pt2

Preparation part 2

(the plot?)

Ha Ha Ha ha ha I can't believe how gullible these humans are.” “Sewing the of seeds of deceit has been so easy.” “Just look at what trouble we spawn with these “spacecraft”. It has caused people to believe in aliens casting doubt on His Word.” “Their are people that believe that they came from the stars.” “Just look at movies and tv shows that came about because of these “UFOs”.” “The humanest themes and even religions have come about because of it.” Now the ultimate deception, as soon as he takes away his followers, and he who restrains us is taken out of the way, we will flood the skies with craft of all shapes and sizes. Even when his messengers come they will not believe or repent for they will believe the “aliens” have caused everything. Ha ha ha ah a ha ha!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Caught up! ch2

chapter 2


Sêmîazâz; everything is in place. The world economy will soon fall. The worlds food supply will be in trouble soon. The new supercomputer is in place and has been updated with all of the census data, GPS census data, and the new health care data, that we got from the new health care bill.

Those fools think that it was all about political posturing, Democrats verses Republicans. Even the smart ones thought it was about power and control or progressivism . Little did they know it was all about information. Now we know who might opposes us. Where they live, where they keep their money, what they drive, where they work everything. As soon as he who restrains is out of way we can make our move.” “SILENCE! You talk to much.” Sêmîazâz exclaimed. The nameless imp cowered in the corner. “Has Semjâzâ been informed that we are ready?” “Yes my lieges” {edit} “Are the legion ready? I want them airborne at first sign of the happening.” Sêmîazâz asks impatiently. “They have been ready for two thousand years.”

Those fools will never know what hit them. They will believe anything except for what is in his books. It spells it out yet they will not see.”

Caught up! ch1 pt2

part 2 The lie

Oh God” as the realization of what had just happened set in, he began to weep. He cried harder then he had ever cried before. Then as the sounds were dissipating, he saw something new {hold for edit} the sky was filled with objects, hundreds of balls of light, and metallic discs and triangles, every kind of cliché UFO he had ever seen on TV or in a magazine or even read about.

Just then a thought came to him. It was something she said just before........ What did she say? She was trying to ask me something. What was it?.... something about Jesus. It was so hazy. It just happened, why can't I remember. He snapped back to what was happening. There was something not real about what he was seeing. He felt something, a coldness that goes beyond the temperature, a sickly feeling, an evil presence, an ancient evil.

As he was looking up he thought to himself, there not going to be able to explain this away. The sky was filled with UFOs {edit} from horizon to horizon. Wile he was trying to process everything he was seeing the thought came to him “MOM!” “I got to get home.”

Caught up!

It was a beautiful evening to him, cool and crisp, but thats just what he wanted. Being on the side of Vinyl Adam's hill away from the lights of Houlton the stars were fantastic. Besides it gave him an excuse to hold Becky a little tighter. "Joel." says Becky "Yes." Joel answers. "I'm cold" she says "Here" as he takes off his jacket and offers it to her. "Wow you can see so much more of God's creation out here." she comments. "Ya, if you look off to the southeast their you can see Jupiter just above Westferd Hill." he explains. "Just think, God placed each and every one." she said. "Your not going to start preaching are you." he teased. All though he hoped that she wasn't. "You believe, don't you?" She queried. "Oh ya, I believe." in something he thought to himself. He had been going to her church for a month now. He wasn't going to blow it now that he had put so much time into getting close to her. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw something unusual in an area that was mostly unpopulated. "Did you see that?" he no more got the words out of his mouth and he saw it again. A flash of light going strait up into a cloud that just appeared out of nowhere. "Do you believe in Jesus, Joel?" she asked quickly. "Wha... what?" amazed that she would ask him that now that this amazing thing was happening. Four more flashes very quickly. Now something new a sound like a rifle shot. Bang............ bang.......bang...bang, they where getting closer together now that they were getting closer to Houlton. Now it sounded like multiple machine guns firing all at the same time, and the flashes were lighting up the sky. "Joel hurry, do you believe in Jesus?". All of this was happening in just a few seconds. The sound was deafening now like thousands of machine guns. Now a new sound like a trumpet. It was pure and drowned out all of the other sounds. Then [ BOOM!] he was knocked to the ground (more from fear than from impact). "Becky!" he called "Becky.... Becky!....BECKY!"...................